In 2022, I had the goal of reading 52 books. I have never before counted exactly how many books I read and listen to each year, but I thought one book a week seemed like a reasonable challenge. I created a Goodreads account to keep track of the books and to get recommendations. I ended up reading 84 books. Here is a selection of the best books I read this year over multiple genras.
Best non-fiction 2022
Atomic Habits by James Clear
This is a book about how micro-habits, like meditating every day, brushing your teeth or exercising, affect us in the long run. What many people don’t realize is that it’s the small habits, repeated day after day, actually have the biggest impact because they accumulate over time. The book made me rethink my own habits and helped me become a better person. I recommend it to anyone who wants to become smarter, more efficient and stronger.
Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker
Anything that can make me more productive interests me. I’ve been interested in sleep and how I improve my sleep to get more out of life. The book Why We Sleep summarizes much of the modern research on sleep. I have written a book club post about the book which you can read here.
Hyper Focus by Chris Bailey
This book is about how we can become more efficient at work. Getting into hyper focus or flow is something we should all strive for to get more done in less time. We all should become better at turning off distractions like notifications from slack, emails, social media and other things when we focus on important tasks – if we do we can increase productivity a lot.

Best Womens Fiction 2023
Beach Read by Emily Henry
I really loved this romance novel about a writer with writer’s block. It was charming, funny and just good. Read the full book review here.
Offline by Lilly Emme (Writing Sisters #1)
In the first book about the four writer, we follow Katie who has dreamed of becoming a writer for as long as she can remember. While her friends write bestsellers, she collects rejection letter. The pressure from social media doesn’t help. When her frustration about the writing community accidentally spreads on social media, her life comes crashing down and she decides to take a break and go offline.
It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover
Sometimes it’s the people we love the most that hurt us the deepest. Lilly hasn’t always had an easy life, but that hasn’t stopped her from working hard towards her dreams. After university, she moves to Boston and opens a flower shop, while meeting the charming Ryle. Her life seems almost too good to be true… That’s all I want to say about the plot, it’s a terrible and good book to read. I shed a lot of tears while reading this book.
Best fantasy 2022
A Coart of Thone and Roses by Sarah J. Maas
What to say? This is one of the most hyped series right now and I have fallen for it too. I really love the series. I’m reading book three right now (while also reading several other books so it’s taking some time) and love being in that world. The author is very good at unexpected plot twists and turns. Give this series a chance, you won’t regret it. But you may end up addicted to Booktok.
Daughter of Earth by Ann-Catrin Mattson
This historical fantasy novel is set in Ireland in the mid-17th century. It is filled with mystery, magic and history. The author really makes you feel like you are there in the 17th century. I highly recommend this book.
Here you will find the link to all the books I read in 2022. If you use Goodreads, feel free to add me as a friend.