In an era marked by constant distractions and multitasking, the ability to maintain deep focus has become increasingly rare yet incredibly valuable. Deep focus refers to the state of intense concentration on a single task or activity, free from distractions and interruptions. In this article, we explore the significance of deep focus, its benefits, and…
Social media has become an invaluable tool for writers to connect with readers, promote their work, and build an author platform. However, navigating the vast and ever-evolving landscape of social media can be overwhelming. In this article, we will provide a guide for writers on how to effectively navigate social media platforms and harness their…
In our fast-paced world, the conventional wisdom is that working longer hours equals higher productivity. However, a growing body of research suggests otherwise. Work compression and Parkinson’s Law, two fascinating concepts, challenge the traditional notion of productivity.
Doing More with Less Time
Work compression, also known as task compression or time compression, involves accomplishing the…
Almost every great story follows a fundamental structure that captivates readers and viewers alike — the three-act structure. Act 1 establishes the world and characters, Act 3 concludes the story, but it’s Act 2 where the real magic happens: the midpoint. This pivotal moment in your narrative can make or break your story’s momentum. In…
The best-selling book, The 5 Second Rule: Change Your Life, Work and Confidence, by Mel Robins is a self-help book on how to overcome procrastination, self-doubt and fear. I read it and it changed my life. Here are the most important lessons I learned from it.
What is the 5 Second Rule?
The five second…
Did you know that your environment plays a big role when it how productive you are, and how inspired you feel? In this article, we will go through four ways to optimize your writing space.
But before we go through how to organize your home office or writing space, I want to talk about why…
It's not too late to achieve your dream of becoming a Youtuber. But if you want to grow on YouTube, there are a few things you should consider in order to succeed. In this blog post, we go through the things you need to know to succeed on YouTube.
If you want to start a…
Editing a book may seem difficult, but it doesn't have to be if you're structured. In this blog post, I will go through the different steps I go through when editing a manuscript.
Editing Step by Step
Take a break from the manuscript. Preferably for four weeks so that you can distance yourself from what…
To master the art of storytelling you have to understand the structural elements of a story. That is why I am breaking down all the beats of the three act story structure, and today we’re taking a closer look at the first pinch point. The first pinch point is a critical milestone in story structure…
Character development is something that drives a lot of stories.
A well-crafted character arc adds depth and resonance to your story, making it memorable for your audience. In this video I go through some of the basics of three common character arcs: The positive change arc, the negative change arc, and the flat arc.
Character arcs…
Twyla Tharp is a renowned choreographer, dancer and author who lives and works in New York. She is the author of the book The Creative Habit: Learn It and Use It for Life, a profound book about creativity and the habits you need to adopt to sustain it. In the book she share valuable insights,…
It's preptober, which means that many of us who intend to participate in NaNoWriMo 2023 are planning and preparing the stories that we are going to write during November. In this post, I will go through how I prepare for the competition.
How do you best prepare for Nanowrimo?
Choose which writing project you want…