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Three things I wish knew before my debut as an author

Making your debut as an author can be overwhelming and absolutely wonderful. I think of it as being on a learning journey, where at every turn I learn something new. Recently, I have learned three important things that I wish I had known about before I made my debut as a writer.

Three things I wish I had known before my debut

– The book may not automatically show up on Goodreads! Check with your publisher if they or you make sure the book appears on Goodreads. In my case, I have to do it myself, and it took a lot of navigating before I realized that I had to make an entry in the Goodreads Librarians Group. According to the Q&A on the page, it can take up to a few weeks before the book appears. (Update: It is now on Goodreads.) 

– That as a debutant author, I can get a debutant portrait at Boktugg. I also automatically get an author page that can be filled with information about me and my book. (Swedish site about writing)

– Your loved ones may not buy or even read your book. At the same time, people you don’t know very well may stop you at work or at the gym and ask about the book and ask for a signed copy. It’s a pretty awkward feeling when strangers cheer for your writing, while some people close to you you do not.

On the debutant blog I found a funny post by Johanna Schreiber about things she wished she had known as a debutant. Among other things, she suggests that you can contact your publisher and discuss things related to the manuscript.

What do you wish you knew before you made your debut? 

Having a debut party with friends and family something I can really recommend. I had mine in Gamla Stan’s bookstore and am incredibly grateful to everyone who came. Some of those who were there have actually already read the book.

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